Thursday, January 31, 2008

First words

out of his mouth when I picked him up from the bus stop;

"High school is so much better than primary school"

Sigh... thank God!

He had a fantastic day, has hooked up again with his best friend from three years back who moved schools, and is totally looking forward to what the rest of the term has to bring.

School for the little girls went really well too. I will sleep well tonight.

PS to Brandi, thanks for your comments, but maybe I better not post again for a few weeks now, cant get too regular here after all ;-) lol.


Cinders said...

3 posts in 3 days - you're back with a vengenance :) Good to hear your son had a great day. My niece is already 'bored' - so smug, I can't wait for all the homework to hit and give her a reality check haha.

Brandi said...

Aw, now don't go away ... then what'll I have to read? LOL ... Glad that things are going well for you and the family, though. I remember reading times that were rougher and really relating, so it's good to see that you're finally getting a little break. Reading these things is so much like watching soap operas, you know? You get to feeling like you "know" the characters ...

Well, I guess I'll see you again at the next blue moon, LOL!

Jenny said...

Your holiday time sounded lovely - I am glad you all had such a great time, I too can't believe that January is gone..... My eldest starts High School next year and I am already (and so is he) thinking many of the thoughts and emotions you have gone through. I am glad your son enjoyed his first day, he has so much to look forward to.

Hope you too, have a great year ahead. Nice to see you blogging again.