Saturday, November 7, 2009

Round here...




Guess I should turn the computer off for a while.



Unknown said...

Boy-oh-boy do I know that feeling! Lovely photo essay. :)

Nellie Mae said...


Jenny Schimak said...

Nice to see you blogging more these days. I've enjoyed 'catching up'.

Jay said...

Fantastic. I know that look. I love the flower at the end.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I laughed all through this post. Now that only one of my kids lives here it's much neater, but I so remember the days. Not that there aren't days when I could capture a few shots like this.

Christi said...

I love the quilt. The colors are so fun. I don't dare post pictures of my house. I've been spending way too much time neglecting the housework. LOL

senovia said...

I'm right there with ya!

Cilenia Curtis said...

LOL I remember those days! But once I got rid of the Ex, suddenly things were much easier to keep up with LOL. You are braver than me to post pics LOL I shudder to think of how our house was with 7 kids on a farm.

Cheri said...

Looks just like my house. Even though it is Monday morning and all chores were SUPPOSED to be done over the weekend!