Thursday, May 21, 2009

Can anyone say mad crazy busy?

Because that is what I have been the last three weeks. The football season is up and running again, and this year we have netball added to the mix too. So three afternoons a week, and all day Saturday are devoted to the gods of sport! Then there are a couple of karate sessions thrown in there, three separate lots of music lessons, school work, homework, my work, his work, groceries, cooking, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice, photography, scrapping, reading and sleeping.

And to think I know people who do much much more than I do... How on earth to they manage?

Hope you are all well

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

this little girl of mine

it was so much easier to deal with your dramas back then, now everything is magnified, the bad things are "badder" and the good things are "better", I just wish right now you were having a better phase not a "badder" one :-(

Friday, May 8, 2009

Family dinner

This weekend it is Mother's Day, and as usual we are having a get together with the family (my husbands family as my family live 300kms away). On Saturday there will be eight adults and six children at my house expecting to be fed and entertained. So far it has taken about seven phone calls, a trip to the grocery store, a few hours cooking, and numerous in-house conversations.

That said I still have to clean the bathrooms, vaccuum the house and prepare a little more food.

It seems like a lot of work to go to, but then I think back to when I was a child. My mother is one of seven, my father one of six, I have three siblings, and 43 first cousins. Yes 43.

My brain goes into shut down just trying to imagine the amount of organisation that would be required to get that many people together for any kind of event. It wasn't that often that all of us were in the same house at the same time, but I do recall one or two ocassions.

A couple of Christmas days come to mind, lunch was all about Mum's family, they would arrive mid morning and leave mid afternoon, then tea was about Dad's family who would arrive late afternoon and leave when all the food was gone lol! At any given time there were babies to hold, feed, mind, rock etc, toddlers to chase around, older kids to play cricket with and anyone who wasn't quick enough found themselves stuck in the kitchen wielding a tea towel (the days before dishwashers were standard kitchen appliances and child labour was expected).

Given that, I shouldn't complain about having to organise one dinner for 14 people really :-)

(I am not really complaining, I am in fact quite looking forward to it, I am just not looking forward to the last two hours before everyone arrives.)